We invite you to apply for an event spot for the 6th edition of the India Science Festival (ISF), ISF 2025, organised by the non-profit organisation Foundation for Advancing Science and Technology (FAST India). The festival will be held in Pune in January 2025.

About India Science Festival

India Science Festival is India’s largest non-governmental platform for public celebration of science. ISF brings together all actors in the S&T ecosystem comprising scientists, industrialists, governmental officials, policymakers, and society for meaningful dialogues to elevate the S&T ecosystem in the country. Through engaging events, the festival seeks to cultivate interest and appreciation of science among young people and the general public. In keeping with our ambition to make science accessible to all, ISF is free and open for anyone and everyone to attend.

About Call for Applications

As we bring together yet another inspiring and captivating edition of the festival next year, we invite individuals and organisations in India and across the globe to send in their proposals for events at the festival.

We welcome proposals for innovative, unique, and engaging events under the following categories: Workshop, Booth, Installation, and Performance.


Why apply?

Get a chance to shape ISF 2025 by showcasing your unique event, promote science and technology, and make a lasting impact on the festival attendees.

Successful applicants will

  • Secure an event spot at ISF 2025: They shall organise their event at the festival – with their event costs, travel, and accommodation in Pune covered by FAST India
  • Be recognised as official ISF collaborators
  • Receive visibility for their work and organisation
  • Get a chance to connect with Indian and international leaders of science and technology

Types of Events You Can Submit Proposals For*


ISF features a wide range of hands-on workshops for young adults and the general public. Submit your application for organising a unique workshop, preferably on a cutting-edge topic of science and technology. The workshop should be designed with a specific target audience in mind and must be highly creative and interactive. The duration of each workshop should not exceed an hour and a half.

We are specifically looking for workshops targeted at young adults and bachelor students giving them an idea of what’s latest in research.



Submit proposals for exquisite and meaningful collaborations between science and art (street art, multimedia art, etc.) that could become a stop spot for festival visitors, provoking them to critically think and engage with you at the installation.





Think your proposal can’t be confined to the boundaries of the above categories? Have any other creative ideas that need a category of their own? Submit your out-of-box proposals as miscellaneous ideas.





Deeptech and Sci-comm Exhibits and Booths

Submit proposals for booths preferably with interactive exhibits, which are attractive enough to get people’s attention and expansive enough to explain your science/project/initiative to a general audience. Proposals demonstrating deep science and technology concepts/models/experiments will be preferred. Research laboratories and PhD students are encouraged to apply showcasing demo prototypes, proofs of concepts, working models, etc.



Another medium blending deep science and creative art in a stage/theatre performance. Submit proposals for performances that will showcase the expression of science (abstract, complex ideas/concepts, etc.) via artistic means to ignite curiosity, stimulate dialogue, and evoke profound emotional responses from the audience.


*Please do not submit research project proposals for grants/funding. These will not be considered for ISF 2025.

Application process

Submit your event proposals for ISF 2025 through the online application form latest by 4:30 pm IST, 31 Jul 2024 using the submit button below.

Stages of application

  • Stage 1: Proposal submission
  • Stage 2: Interviews with shortlisted applicants
  • Stage 3: Detailed proposal submission by shortlisted applicants (only if required)
  • Stage 4: Final results

Proposal structure

You are required to structure your event proposal in the following format in no more than 750 words. You can download the template from here, create your proposal in it, and submit it as a pdf in the application form.

  • Title of the proposed event: A tentative title would suffice at this stage.
  • Introduction: Establish the context and objective of the event.
  • Science and technology concept: Explain the science/technology concept/model/experiment you propose to showcase at the event. Make sure to strike a balance between simplicity and depth.
  • Your approach: Mention the details of how you are going to meet the said objective and how you shall implement the event. This may include props, interactive activities, and strategies for audience engagement.
  • Value proposition: Mention what makes your approach/idea/implementation unique, and how you think the audience will benefit from it.
  • Support required from FAST India: This includes any consultation/implementation/logistical support that you may need from us.
  • Previous work: Add links to your previous work samples to enable us to better gauge your expertise in engaging with the audience

The submission date of the application has been extended to 28th August 2024


  • Proposals aligning with the thematic areas of new cutting-edge science and technology, public science, science and art, STEM careers, and science policy will be rated highly. Specifically for booths, proposals demonstrating deep science and technology concepts/models/experiments will be preferred.

  • Proposals showing a clear link between your approach and value proposition will have higher chances of acceptance.
  • Preference will be given to events that demonstrate a commitment to best-practice science communication and providing a high-quality experience to the audience.
  • Proposals trivialising science or propounding inaccurate or pseudo-science will be straightaway disqualified.


  • Application opens: 1 Jun 2024
  • Application closes: 4:30 pm IST, 31 Jul 2024
  • Interviews with shortlisted applicants: 16 Aug 2024 to 5 Sep 2024
  • Detailed proposal submission by shortlisted applicants (only if required): dates will be shared on email
  • Results declared: Oct 2024





Need some inspiration to get started on writing a well-organised proposal? You are encouraged to take a look at a few of the successful proposals from ISF 2024 to get a better understanding of how to write a good one!

Important information

  • The submission of proposals does not guarantee an event spot in the Festival programme.
  • FAST India will cover the expenses of the travel and accommodation of the selected applicants (based in India, outside of Pune) – for a maximum of 2 participants per application. Details will be shared with selected applicants on email.
  • Reasonable costs towards consumables/stationery will be reimbursed by FAST India. The reimbursement process will happen after the festival concludes.
  • FAST India will provide inputs for developing the event and the requisite on-ground support to the organisers of the selected events but will not be involved in conducting the event at the Festival.
Submission Deadline
Home » Call for Applications – ISF 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. If my application is successful, will I get a grant/funding to execute my event proposal at ISF 2025?

No. Successful applicants will get the opportunity to organise and execute their events (in the category of booth/workshop/installation/performance/miscellaneous) as per their submittted proposals. FAST India covers reasonable cost of the event and the travel and accommodation of the successful applicants.

Q. What type of audience can I expect at the festival?

The festival is designed for young adults who are currently pursuing their Bachelors/Masters/PhD/Postdoc degrees in STEM and also those from non-STEM fields. However, the audience may also include people from all walks of life at the festival.

Q. Who is eligible to submit proposals for the India Science Festival?

Anyone with a great event idea can submit their proposal. Researchers or academicians from universities, colleges, or other academic institutions based in India. Professionals from research laboratories, startups, companies, industry, non-profit organisations, government institutions, non-academic organisations: science museums, observatories, policy/advocacy-related entities, professional societies, organisations engaged with sustainable development activities and/or global change, animal protection/welfare. This is not an exhaustive list.

Q. Can I submit a proposal if I don’t live in India?

You absolutely can – although if selected, you would be required to cover your own travel expenses to India and back.

Q. Will FAST India bear the costs of organising the event(s) for successful applicants?

FAST India will only cover the travel and accommodation expenses of up to two particpants per application shortlisted for the festival.

Expenses for all events will be reviewed by the festival organisers. Reasonable event costs will be reimbursed. The estimated budget details should be included in the proposal.

The duration of stay for the event organisers/speakers will depend on the schedule and duration of the proposed event.

Q. Will any changes be made to the proposed event by the organisers if selected or will the event be executed as proposed?

The event organisers, in consultation with the applicant, can and will modify the event so that it is in line with the festival theme, objectives, and values and has the maximum impact on the audience.

Q. Are applicants allowed to submit more than one proposal?

Yes, an organisation/individual can submit more than one proposal if they are distinctly different.

Q. Can more than one applicant pair up and submit a joint proposal?

Yes, individuals/organisations can submit joint proposals. However, ISF will only support travel and accommodation of up to two participants per proposal.

Q. If selected, will I be responsible for publicising the event?

While the ISF team will take care of the publicity, you are encouraged to promote the event through social media and your network.

Q. Should we find our own funding/sponsorship to run the event at the festival?

Seeking your own funds is desirable but not necessary, nor will it impact your application. Funds/sponsorship raised by the applicant need not be given to ISF and can be used by the applicant as deemed appropriate for the proposed event.

Q. Can we submit a proposal for an online workshop? If so, how many people can we let take part in our online event?

Yes, you can submit a proposal for an online workshop, keeping in mind that it should not exceed 1.5 hours. You are required to mention the same in the application form, along with the number of participants for the event. There is no limit to the number of attendees for the online event.

Q. If my proposal doesn’t get selected, am I allowed to pitch it to another organisation for a different event?

Yes, if your proposal is not selected by ISF, please feel free to pitch it to other funders/organisations/events.

Have more questions? Feel free to contact us at indiasciencefestival@fast-india.org